
~God’s Little Girl is Diligent~
Can you think of something that gives you delight?

That makes you feel good in your bed at night?

That brings you a feeling compared to none?

The pleasure of knowing a job’s been well done!

~Proverbs 31:18,19~

She makes sure that what she makes is good.

She works by her lamp late into the night.

She makes thread with her hands and weaves her own cloth.

Do you ever get that feeling? Just yesterday, I helped out with the ironing, and the day before that I cleaned out our pantry as a birthday present for Mum. After doing these things, I felt great inside – even though my outer body felt sore!

Another word we could use is productivity. I want to be someone who always has something to do – and never says, “Mum, I’m bored”.

I like to look at the people in the 1800’s. The girls always had something to do – whether it be cleaning, or sewing, or washing or babysitting. I want to be someone who has something always to do.

I’m reminded of a few people when I think of Diligence. The first one to come to mind is Priscilla Mullins. She and her family sailed away from England, to a new life. It was very hard on Priscilla, to leave away her home. But she kept herself busy helping other people, by looking after the children. She found that when you help others, you don’t find any time to think of the bad feelings you are having. So she put her whole heart into helping other people. In the new world, she did the same, through God’s courage and grace. Throughout her life, even when her family died, she always helped other people willingly and diligently.

I’m also reminded of Joseph, whom, when sold into slavery, did the best job to his ability. He was diligent, hard working, productive, cheerful and enthusiastic. When we show these character traits in our work, and trust God, we’ll always come out on top!

I’m reminded of Proverbs 31 as well, but if you want to read it, read Proverbs 31!!!

And don’t forget the ants in Proverbs 6. They always work – and they work together; they don’t have a king or boss. The ants are diligent and hard working – and their reward is lots of food and a safe queen! See, they are working together, without an overseer, to preserve the queen and the whole colony!

One more person: Dorcus. I don’t know much about her, but I know that she was always helping other people. Then, she died, and when Paul came, he raised her from the dead. When she was alive again, she just kept on helping other people.

So remember: when you are diligent, you feel great. When you bless others, you can’t be a selfish kid. No one is ever too small to do something cool – Joash became King at seven years of age! And please, what ever you do, do it with all of your heart, to the BEST of your ability!!

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